In a traditional therapy visit, your cost for the session would be between $175-$400 depending on your location and type of therapist selected plus you would need to spend time and money on transportation and parking.
Unlilke some of our competitors, you get to see and choose your therapist before you enroll and choose one of the options below:
SofaChats has 2 options
Pay as you go,individual sessions$100
- One session
- Pay for one session at a time.
- Sessions are 45 minutes long.
Value Package,4 sessions @ 20% discount$320
- Four sessions
- Pay for 4 sessions and get 20% off..
- Sessions are 45 minutes long.
What happens if I buy the value package and do not use up all of the sessions?
Simple, the sessions will then revert to individual session pricing and whatever remains is refunded to the patient. See examples in the Frequently Asked Questions.
Typical therapy support requires a minimum of 4 to 7 sessions. Our goal was to provide a way to make it even more affordable to complete your treatment.